The Rotation Animation Runs in Several Cells: A Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing the Issue
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The Rotation Animation Runs in Several Cells: A Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing the Issue

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If you’re struggling with rotation animations running wild in multiple cells, you’re not alone! This annoying bug can drive even the most patient developers crazy. But fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got the solution for you! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the troubleshooting process and provide clear instructions to tame the rotation animation beast.

What’s causing the rotation animation to run in multiple cells?

The culprit behind this issue often lies in the way CSS animations are applied to table cells. When you apply a rotation animation to a single cell, it can “bleed” into adjacent cells, causing the animation to run in multiple cells. This happens because table cells are, by design, interconnected. The solution involves understanding how to contain the animation within a single cell.

Method 1: Using the `transform` property with `perspective`

One effective way to contain the rotation animation is by adding the `perspective` property to the animated element. This property helps to create a 3D space for the animation to run within, preventing it from affecting adjacent cells.

  <div class="rotate"> Rotation Animation </div>
.rotate {
  transform: rotate(30deg);
  transform-style: preserve-3d;
  perspective: 1000px;

In the example above, we’ve added the `perspective` property to the `.rotate` class, which contains the rotation animation. By setting `transform-style` to `preserve-3d`, we ensure that the animation runs in 3D space, and the `perspective` value of `1000px` helps to create a sense of depth.

Method 2: Using a wrapper element with `overflow: hidden`

Another approach is to wrap the animated element in a container with `overflow: hidden`. This prevents the animation from spilling over into adjacent cells.

  <div class="wrapper">
    <div class="rotate"> Rotation Animation </div>
.wrapper {
  overflow: hidden;

.rotate {
  transform: rotate(30deg);

In this example, we’ve added a `.wrapper` element around the `.rotate` element. By setting `overflow: hidden` on the wrapper, we effectively contain the animation within the wrapper, preventing it from running in adjacent cells.

Method 3: Using `position: absolute` and `position: relative`

A third solution involves using a combination of `position: absolute` and `position: relative` to contain the animation.

  <div class="relative">
    <div class="absolute rotate"> Rotation Animation </div>
.relative {
  position: relative;

.absolute {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  transform: rotate(30deg);

In this example, we’ve added a `.relative` element around the `.absolute` element. By setting `position: relative` on the outer element and `position: absolute` on the inner element, we create a new positioning context, which helps to contain the animation within the cell.

Troubleshooting tips and tricks

  • Check your CSS selectors

    Ensure that your CSS selectors are targeting the correct elements. Avoid using overly broad selectors that might be affecting multiple cells unintentionally.

  • Verify your HTML structure

    Double-check your HTML structure to ensure that the animated element is properly nested within a single table cell.

  • Use the browser’s developer tools

    Use the browser’s developer tools to inspect the animated element and its parent elements. This can help you identify any layout or positioning issues that might be contributing to the problem.

  • Test different animation properties

    If the rotation animation is still running wild, try testing different animation properties, such as `transition` or ` animation-fill-mode`, to see if they have any impact on the issue.

Common pitfalls to avoid

Pitfall Description
Not containing the animation Failing to contain the animation within a single cell can cause it to bleed into adjacent cells.
Overly broad CSS selectors Using overly broad CSS selectors can cause the animation to affect multiple cells unintentionally.
Inconsistent HTML structure Inconsistent HTML structure can lead to layout and positioning issues that can exacerbate the problem.
Not testing different animation properties Failing to test different animation properties can mean missing out on potential solutions to the issue.


The rotation animation running in multiple cells can be frustrating, but with the right techniques and troubleshooting strategies, you can contain the animation and achieve the desired effect. By following the methods outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to taming the rotation animation beast and creating stunning, cell-contained animations that will impress and delight your users.

Remember to stay calm, stay patient, and stay creative. Happy coding!

<!-- Happy coding! -->

Frequently Asked Question

We’ve got you covered! Here are some common issues related to rotation animation and their fixes.

Why does the rotation animation run in multiple cells, and how can I prevent it?

This issue often occurs when the animation is applied to a parent view that contains multiple cells. To fix it, you need to apply the rotation animation to the individual cell views instead of the parent view. This way, the animation will only run in the intended cell.

Is it possible to pause the rotation animation when the cell is not visible?

Yes, you can pause the rotation animation when the cell is not visible by adding a check in your animation code to only start the animation when the cell is visible. You can do this by using the `isVisible` property of the cell or by implementing a custom solution based on your app’s requirements.

How can I ensure that the rotation animation runs smoothly and doesn’t cause performance issues?

To ensure a smooth rotation animation, make sure to optimize your animation code and views. You can do this by reducing the complexity of your views, using lightweight views, and avoiding unnecessary computations. Additionally, consider using a hardware-accelerated animation to offload the animation processing to the GPU, which can significantly improve performance.

Can I customize the rotation animation’s duration and speed?

Yes, you can customize the rotation animation’s duration and speed by adjusting the animation’s duration property and the animation’s timing function. For example, you can use a linear timing function for a consistent speed or an ease-in-out timing function for a more natural animation feel.

What if I want to rotate the animation in a specific direction, such as clockwise or counterclockwise?

You can control the direction of the rotation animation by adjusting the animation’s rotation angle and the transformation matrix. For a clockwise rotation, you can use a positive angle value, and for a counterclockwise rotation, you can use a negative angle value. Additionally, you can use the `CGAffineTransformRotate` function to set the rotation angle and direction.