How to Keep Angular Material Datepicker Always Open After Date Selection for Single and Range Selection
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How to Keep Angular Material Datepicker Always Open After Date Selection for Single and Range Selection

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Are you tired of the Angular Material Datepicker closing every time you select a date? Do you want to keep the datepicker open after selection, making it easier for users to select multiple dates or ranges? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll explore the different ways to keep the Angular Material Datepicker always open after date selection for both single and range selection.

Understanding the Problem

The default behavior of the Angular Material Datepicker is to close the datepicker after a date is selected. This can be frustrating for users who need to select multiple dates or ranges. Imagine having to reopen the datepicker every time you want to select a new date – it’s a usability nightmare!

The good news is that Angular Material provides a way to customize the datepicker behavior. By using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, we can keep the datepicker open after selection, making it a more user-friendly experience.

Method 1: Using the `opened` Property

The simplest way to keep the datepicker open is by using the `opened` property. This property is a boolean that determines whether the datepicker is open or closed.

<mat-datepicker #picker [opened]="true"></mat-datepicker>

In the above example, we’re using the `opened` property and setting it to `true`. This will keep the datepicker open always, even after selecting a date.

Pros and Cons

This method is simple and easy to implement, but it has some drawbacks. For example:

  • The datepicker will always be open, even when the user doesn’t need it.
  • This method doesn’t provide a way to close the datepicker programmatically.

Method 2: Using the `open` Method

A more elegant solution is to use the `open` method provided by Angular Material. This method opens the datepicker programmatically.

<mat-datepicker #picker></mat-datepicker>

<button (click)="">Open Datepicker</button>

In the above example, we’re using the `open` method to open the datepicker when the button is clicked.

To keep the datepicker open after selection, we can use the `(dateChange)` event to detect when a date is selected and then call the `open` method to keep the datepicker open.

<mat-datepicker #picker (dateChange)=""></mat-datepicker>

Pros and Cons

This method provides more flexibility and control over the datepicker behavior. However:

  • It requires more code and complexity.
  • It doesn’t provide a way to close the datepicker programmatically.

Method 3: Using a Custom Directive

A more advanced solution is to create a custom directive that keeps the datepicker open after selection. This approach provides more flexibility and control over the datepicker behavior.

  selector: '[keepOpen]'
export class KeepOpenDirective {
  constructor(private datepicker: MatDatepicker) {}

  @HostListener('dateChange', ['$event'])
  onDateChange() {;

In the above example, we’re creating a custom directive called `KeepOpenDirective`. This directive uses the `HostListener` decorator to listen for the `dateChange` event and then calls the `open` method to keep the datepicker open.

<mat-datepicker keepOpen></mat-datepicker>

By adding the `keepOpen` directive to the datepicker, we can keep it open after selection.

Pros and Cons

This method provides the most flexibility and control over the datepicker behavior. However:

  • It requires more code and complexity.
  • It requires a good understanding of Angular Directives.

Keeping the Datepicker Open for Range Selection

When it comes to range selection, things get a bit more complex. We need to keep the datepicker open not only after selecting the start date but also after selecting the end date.

One way to achieve this is by using a combination of the methods described above. For example, we can use the `keepOpen` directive to keep the datepicker open after selecting the start date and then use the `open` method to keep it open after selecting the end date.

<mat-datepicker-range [range]="range" keepOpen>
  <mat-datepicker #startDate></mat-datepicker>
  <mat-datepicker #endDate></mat-datepicker>

<button (click)="">Open Start Datepicker</button>
<button (click)="">Open End Datepicker</button>

In the above example, we’re using the `keepOpen` directive to keep the start datepicker open after selection and then using the `open` method to keep the end datepicker open after selection.


In this article, we’ve explored the different ways to keep the Angular Material Datepicker always open after date selection for both single and range selection. By using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, we can create a more user-friendly experience for our users.

Remember, the key to keeping the datepicker open is to use the `opened` property, the `open` method, or a custom directive. Each method has its pros and cons, and the choice of method depends on the specific requirements of your application.

So, the next time you need to keep the Angular Material Datepicker open, you know what to do!

Method Pros Cons
Using the `opened` Property Simple and easy to implement Always open, even when not needed; no way to close programmatically
Using the `open` Method More flexible and controllable Requires more code and complexity; no way to close programmatically
Using a Custom Directive Most flexible and controllable Requires more code and complexity; requires a good understanding of Angular Directives

Don’t forget to check out the official Angular Material documentation for more information on customizing the datepicker behavior.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “How to Keep Angular Material Datepicker Always Open After Date Selection for Single and Range Selection”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your burning questions about keeping the Angular Material datepicker always open after date selection for single and range selection!

How do I keep the Angular Material datepicker always open after selecting a single date?

To keep the datepicker open after selecting a single date, you can use the `(dateInput)` event and set the `datepicker.opened` property to `true`. For example, `$`. This will keep the datepicker open even after selecting a single date.

What if I want to keep the datepicker open for range selection as well?

For range selection, you can use the `(dateChange)` event and set the `datepicker.opened` property to `true` when the ` startDate` and `endDate` are both selected. For example, `…` and in your component, `handleDateChange(event, datepicker) { if (event.value.startDate && event.value.endDate) { datepicker.opened = true; } }`. This will keep the datepicker open after selecting a range of dates.

Can I keep the datepicker open by default without selecting any dates?

Yes, you can keep the datepicker open by default by setting the `opened` property to `true` initially. For example, `…`. This will open the datepicker as soon as the component is rendered.

How do I handle the datepicker closure when the user clicks outside the datepicker?

To handle the datepicker closure when the user clicks outside the datepicker, you can use the `(clickOutside)` event and set the `datepicker.opened` property to `false`. For example, `…`. This will close the datepicker when the user clicks outside the datepicker.

Are there any other ways to customize the datepicker behavior?

Yes, you can customize the datepicker behavior by using various properties and events provided by Angular Material. For example, you can use the `minDate` and `maxDate` properties to set the date range, or use the `disabled` property to disable specific dates. You can also use the `(monthSelected)` event to handle month selection, or the `(yearSelected)` event to handle year selection.