Solving the Enigmatic Google Authentication Conundrum: A Step-by-Step Guide to Expo-Auth-Session Library
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Solving the Enigmatic Google Authentication Conundrum: A Step-by-Step Guide to Expo-Auth-Session Library

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Are you tired of wrestling with Google authentication through Cognito, only to find yourself stuck in a never-ending loop of failed redirects to your React Native Expo project? Well, fear not, dear developer, for today we embark on a quest to vanquish this frustrating obstacle and emerge victorious with a seamless authentication experience!

The Problem: A Brief Overview

When attempting to integrate Google authentication through Amazon Cognito in a React Native Expo project using the expo-auth-session library, you might encounter an issue where the authentication flow fails to redirect the user back to your application after a successful login. This can be attributed to a combination of factors, including misconfigured Cognito settings, incorrect implementation of the expo-auth-session library, and even Expo-specific quirks. Fear not, for we shall tackle each of these culprits one by one.

Step 1: Configure Cognito Correctly (The Forgotten Defaults)

  • App Client Settings: Create an App Client in your Cognito User Pool with the correct Authorized Redirect URLs and Authorized Logout URLs. These URLs should point to your Expo project’s expo-auth-session redirect URLs.
  • Domain Prefix: Set a unique Domain Prefix for your Cognito User Pool. This will be used to construct the authentication URLs.
  • App Client Secret: Store the App Client Secret securely in your Expo project’s environment variables or a secrets manager.

Step 2: Implement Expo-Auth-Session Library Correctly (The Correct Configuration)

Now that Cognito is properly configured, let’s focus on implementing the expo-auth-session library correctly:

import { AuthenticationSession } from 'expo-auth-session';
import { defaultProvider } from 'expo-auth-session/providers/cognito';

const config = {
  clientId: 'your_cognito_app_client_id',
  clientSecret: 'your_cognito_app_client_secret',
  redirectUri: 'your_expo_project_scheme://auth',
  scopes: ['openid', 'email', 'profile'],
  domainPrefix: 'your_cognito_domain_prefix',

const authenticator = new AuthenticationSession(defaultProvider, config);

async function handleGoogleAuthentication() {
  try {
    const result = await authenticator.authenticateAsync();
    // Handle authenticated user session
  } catch (error) {
    // Handle authentication error

Step 3: Handle Expo-Specific Redirects (The Redirect Conundrum)

To overcome the redirect issue, you’ll need to configure Expo to handle the redirect URL properly:

Add the following code to your Expo project’s app.json file:

  "scheme": "your_expo_project_scheme",

Next, modify the redirectUri in your expo-auth-session configuration to include the scheme:

const config = {
  redirectUri: 'your_expo_project_scheme://auth',

Step 4: Implement Authentication Flow (The Glue that Binds)

Now that the pieces are in place, it’s time to implement the authentication flow:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'expo';
import { Button, Text, View } from 'react-native';
import { authenticator } from './authConfig';

const App = () => {
  const [user, setUser] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  async function handleGoogleAuthentication() {
    try {
      const result = await authenticator.authenticateAsync();
    } catch (error) {

  return (
      {user ? (
        <Text>Welcome, {}!</Text>
      ) : (
        <Button title="Login with Google" onPress={handleGoogleAuthentication} />

export default App;

Conclusion: The Triumphant Return (Redirect!) to Your Expo Project

Congratulations! You’ve successfully implemented Google authentication through Cognito using the expo-auth-session library in your React Native Expo project. The redirect issue should now be resolved, and your users can seamlessly authenticate with Google and return to your application.

Remember, the key to success lies in:

  • Correctly configuring Cognito App Client settings and domain prefix.
  • Implementing the expo-auth-session library with the correct configuration.
  • Handling Expo-specific redirects by configuring the scheme in app.json and modifying the redirectUri accordingly.
  • Implementing the authentication flow using the expo-auth-session library.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to providing a seamless authentication experience for your users. Now, go forth and conquer the realm of authentication!

Common Issues Solutions
Failed redirects to your Expo project Verify Cognito App Client settings, expo-auth-session configuration, and Expo scheme configuration.
Authentication errors with Cognito Check Cognito App Client Secret, domain prefix, and authorized redirect URLs.
Expo-auth-session library errors Ensure correct implementation of the library, including proper configuration and handling of authentication flow.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most common questions about Google authentication through Cognito failing to redirect to the application in a React-Native Expo project using the Expo-Auth-Session library.

Why is my Google authentication through Cognito not redirecting to my React-Native Expo application?

Make sure you’ve properly configured the redirect URI in your Cognito User Pool and Expo Auth Session. The redirect URI should match the one specified in your Expo project. Also, ensure that the Cognito User Pool is set up to use the correct authorization flow.

What could be the reason for the authentication flow not redirecting to my application after a successful Google login?

Check if the authorization code is being exchanged for an access token correctly. Ensure that the Expo Auth Session is properly handling the authorization code and exchanging it for an access token. You can use console logs or a debugger to verify the authorization code exchange process.

How can I troubleshoot the issue of Google authentication through Cognito not redirecting to my React-Native Expo application?

Start by checking the Cognito User Pool settings, Expo Auth Session configuration, and the redirect URI. Verify that the Expo project is properly handling the authorization code and exchanging it for an access token. Use console logs or a debugger to identify the specific point of failure in the authentication flow.

What role does the Expo Auth Session library play in Google authentication through Cognito in a React-Native Expo project?

The Expo Auth Session library handles the authentication flow, including redirecting the user to the Google authentication page and exchanging the authorization code for an access token. It provides a convenient way to integrate Google authentication with Cognito in a React-Native Expo project.

How can I ensure that my React-Native Expo application is properly configured to handle the redirect from Google authentication through Cognito?

Make sure you’ve properly configured the Expo project to handle the redirect URI specified in the Cognito User Pool. This typically involves registering the redirect URI scheme in the Expo project’s configuration file (e.g., app.json or app.config.js). Also, ensure that the Expo project is properly handling the authorization code and exchanging it for an access token.