Why Does My Celery Task Status Say SUCCESS When It Raised an Error?
Image by Jewelle - hkhazo.biz.id

Why Does My Celery Task Status Say SUCCESS When It Raised an Error?

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Celery, the popular distributed task queue, is known for its ease of use and flexibility. However, sometimes it can be frustrating when things don’t go as planned, and you’re left wondering why your task status says SUCCESS when it actually raised an error. In this article, we’ll dive into the possible reasons behind this phenomenon and provide you with practical solutions to tackle the issue.

Understanding Celery’s Task Status

To understand why Celery might be reporting a SUCCESS status despite an error, let’s first take a look at how Celery handles task execution and status updates.

Celery uses a combination of message brokers (like RabbitMQ or Redis) and worker nodes to execute tasks asynchronously. When a task is submitted to Celery, it’s added to a message queue, and a worker node picks it up for execution. During execution, the task can raise an exception or error, which is then caught and handled by Celery.

Celery provides several task states, including:

  • pending: The task is waiting to be executed.
  • running: The task is currently being executed.
  • success: The task executed successfully.
  • failure: The task raised an exception or error.
  • retry: The task is being retried due to a previous failure.

Why Celery Might Report SUCCESS Despite an Error

So, why does Celery sometimes report a SUCCESS status even though the task raised an error? There are several possible reasons for this:

  1. Task timeout: If the task takes too long to execute and reaches the specified timeout, Celery will consider it a success, even if an error occurred.

  2. Custom error handling: If you’ve implemented custom error handling in your task, it might catch and swallow the exception, causing Celery to report a SUCCESS status.

  3. Async task execution: Celery uses asynchronous task execution, which means that the task is executed in a separate process. If an error occurs in this process, Celery might not be aware of it and report a SUCCESS status.

  4. Incorrect task implementation: If your task implementation is incorrect or doesn’t properly propagate errors, Celery might not receive the error and report a SUCCESS status.

  5. Buggy task dependencies: If your task depends on other tasks or services that are buggy or unreliable, Celery might report a SUCCESS status even if the task failed.

How to Debug and Fix the Issue

Now that we’ve explored the possible reasons behind Celery’s SUCCESS status despite an error, let’s dive into the practical steps to debug and fix the issue:


One of the first steps to debugging the issue is to enable Celery’s debug logging. This will provide more detailed insights into the task execution and help you identify the root cause of the problem.

CELERYD_LOG_LEVEL = 'DEBUG'  # Enable debug logging


Next, check the Celery task logs to see if there are any error messages or exceptions being raised. You can do this by running the following command:

celery -A proj worker -l info

This will show you the task logs, including any error messages or exceptions.


Celery provides built-in error handling mechanisms, such as the retry and retry_backoff settings. You can use these to catch and retry tasks that fail due to errors.

from celery import shared_task

@shared_task(bind=True, retry=True, retry_backoff=True)
def my_task(self):
        # Task implementation
    except Exception as e:


If Celery’s built-in error handling isn’t sufficient, you can implement custom error handling in your task. This might involve catching specific exceptions, logging errors, or sending notifications.

from celery import shared_task

def my_task():
        # Task implementation
    except Exception as e:
        # Custom error handling
        print(f"Error occurred: {e}")
        # Log the error, send a notification, or take other actions


Finally, verify that your task dependencies are correct and reliable. If your task depends on other tasks or services, ensure that they’re functioning correctly and not causing the issue.

Dependency Status
Dependency 1 Working
Dependency 2 Failed
Dependency 3 Unknown


In this article, we’ve explored the possible reasons why Celery might report a SUCCESS status despite an error, and provided practical steps to debug and fix the issue. By following these steps, you’ll be able to identify and resolve the root cause of the problem and ensure that your Celery tasks are executing correctly.

Remember to always monitor your Celery tasks, enable debug logging, and implement custom error handling to catch and handle errors effectively. With these best practices, you’ll be able to build reliable and robust distributed task queues with Celery.

So, the next time you encounter the issue of Celery reporting a SUCCESS status despite an error, you’ll know exactly what to do to debug and fix it!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you scratching your head wondering why your celery task status is showing as SUCCESS despite throwing an error? You’re not alone! Here are some reasons why this might be happening:

1. Is it possible that my task is catching the exception and not re-raising it?

Yes, that’s a good point! If your task is catching the exception and not re-raising it, Celery will assume that the task has completed successfully. Make sure to re-raise the exception or use the `retry` or `try_except` mechanisms provided by Celery to handle errors correctly.

2. Could it be that my task is actually completing successfully, but with a warning or info message?

That’s possible! If your task is producing a warning or info message, but not an error, Celery will still mark it as SUCCESS. Check your task logs to see if there are any warning or info messages that might be causing the confusion.

3. Is it possible that I’m using an outdated version of Celery that’s causing this issue?

Maybe! Make sure you’re running the latest version of Celery to ensure you have the latest bug fixes and features. You can check the Celery changelog to see if there were any fixes related to task status reporting.

4. Could it be that my broker (e.g. RabbitMQ) is losing tasks or not communicating correctly with Celery?

That’s a possibility! If your broker is misbehaving, tasks might not be correctly reported as failed. Check your broker logs and settings to ensure everything is configured correctly, and consider using a more robust broker like Redis or Amazon SQS.

5. What if I’m using a custom task class that’s overriding the default behavior?

That’s a good point! If you’re using a custom task class, make sure it’s not overriding the default behavior of reporting task status. Check your custom task class code to ensure it’s correctly reporting task failures and exceptions.