Unraveling the Mystery: What is the Difference between UIPickerViewDataSource and UIPickerViewModel on Xamarin?
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Unraveling the Mystery: What is the Difference between UIPickerViewDataSource and UIPickerViewModel on Xamarin?

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Are you a Xamarin developer looking to create a seamless user experience for your iOS app users? Do you find yourself scratching your head when it comes to UIPickerViewDataSource and UIPickerViewModel? Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a thrilling adventure to demystify the differences between these two essential components.

A Brief Introduction to UIPickerView

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s take a step back and understand what UIPickerView is all about. UIPickerView is a powerful and versatile control in Xamarin.iOS that allows users to select from a range of options. Think of it as a spinning wheel that lets users pick a value from a list. It’s often used in settings pages, data entry forms, and other situations where users need to choose from a predetermined set of options.

UIPickerViewDataSource: The Data Provider

Now, let’s shine the spotlight on UIPickerViewDataSource. This protocol is responsible for providing the data that’s displayed in the UIPickerView. In other words, it’s the data provider that feeds the UIPickerView with the necessary information to render the options.

A class that conforms to the UIPickerViewDataSource protocol must implement the following methods:

  • numberOfComponents(in: UIPickerView): Returns the number of components (or columns) in the UIPickerView.
  • pickerView(_:numberOfRowsInComponent:): Returns the number of rows in a specific component.
  • pickerView(_:titleForRow:forComponent:): Returns the title for a specific row in a component.

By implementing these methods, you provide the UIPickerView with the necessary data to display the options. It’s essential to note that UIPickerViewDataSource is responsible for providing the data, but not for handling user interactions.

UIPickerViewModel: The ViewModel

Enter UIPickerViewViewModel, the unsung hero of the UIPickerView world. While UIPickerViewDataSource focuses on providing data, UIPickerViewViewModel is responsible for managing the presentation and behavior of the UIPickerView.

A class that conforms to the UIPickerViewViewModel protocol must implement the following methods:

  • pickerView(_:didSelectRow:inComponent:): Called when the user selects a row in a component.

UIPickerViewModel is where you’ll handle user interactions, such as responding to selection changes, updating the UIPickerView’s appearance, or triggering actions based on user input.

The Key Difference: Data Provision vs. Presentation Management

So, what’s the takeaway? The essential difference between UIPickerViewDataSource and UIPickerViewViewModel lies in their responsibilities:

Protocol Responsibility
UIPickerViewDataSource Data provision
UIPickerViewModel Presentation management and user interaction handling

Think of it like a restaurant: UIPickerViewDataSource is the chef who prepares the meal (provides the data), while UIPickerViewViewModel is the maĆ®tre d’ who presents the dish (manages the presentation and handles user interactions).

Implementing UIPickerViewDataSource and UIPickerViewViewModel

Now that we’ve demystified the roles of these two protocols, let’s put them into practice! Here’s an example implementation in C#:

using Xamarin.iOS;

public class MyPickerViewModel : UIPickerViewViewModel
    public override void pickerView(UIPickerView pickerView, didSelectRow row, inComponent component)
        // Handle user selection
        Console.WriteLine($"Selected row: {row}");

public class MyPickerDataSource : UIPickerViewDataSource
    public override int numberOfComponents(UIPickerView pickerView)
        return 1;

    public override int pickerView(UIPickerView pickerView, numberOfRowsInSection component)
        return 5;

    public override string pickerView(UIPickerView pickerView, titleForRow row, forComponent component)
        return $"Option {row + 1}";

public class MyViewController : UIViewController
    private UIPickerView _pickerView;
    private MyPickerViewModel _pickerViewModel;
    private MyPickerDataSource _pickerDataSource;

    public override void ViewDidLoad()

        _pickerView = new UIPickerView();
        _pickerViewModel = new MyPickerViewModel();
        _pickerDataSource = new MyPickerDataSource();

        _pickerView.Model = _pickerViewModel;
        _pickerView.DataSource = _pickerDataSource;


In this example, we’ve created `MyPickerViewModel` to handle user interactions and `MyPickerDataSource` to provide the data for the UIPickerView. We’ve then instantiated them and assigned them to the UIPickerView in the `MyViewController` class.


In conclusion, UIPickerViewDataSource and UIPickerViewViewModel are two distinct protocols that work together to create a seamless user experience in Xamarin.iOS. By providing data and managing presentation, respectively, they enable your app to offer users a robust and intuitive way to interact with your app.

Remember, when working with UIPickerView, it’s essential to understand the roles of these two protocols and implement them correctly to ensure a smooth user experience. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to creating engaging and user-friendly iOS apps with Xamarin.

Happy coding, and until next time, stay curious!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unravel the mystery of UIPickerViewDataSource and UIPickerViewModel in Xamarin!

What is UIPickerViewDataSource, and why do I need it?

UIPickerViewDataSource is a protocol that provides data to a UIPickerView. Think of it as a data source that feeds your picker view with values. You need it to populate your picker view with options, allowing users to select a value. It’s responsible for specifying the number of components, rows, and titles for each row.

What is UIPickerViewModel, and how does it differ from UIPickerViewDataSource?

UIPickerViewModel is not a native iOS or Xamarin component! It’s often misunderstood as a separate entity, but it’s actually a custom implementation of UIPickerViewDataSource. A view model provides a layer of abstraction between your data and the UI, making it easier to manage and update your picker view’s data. You can think of it as a bridge that connects your data to the UIPickerViewDataSource.

Can I use UIPickerViewDataSource without a UIPickerViewModel?

Absolutely! You can implement UIPickerViewDataSource directly in your view controller or a separate class. This approach is more straightforward, but it can lead to tight coupling between your UI and data. However, if you have a simple picker view with minimal data, this might be a suitable option.

How do I choose between using UIPickerViewDataSource and UIPickerViewModel?

It depends on the complexity of your project and your data requirements. If you have a simple picker view with minimal data, UIPickerViewDataSource might be sufficient. However, if you’re dealing with a complex data set, multiple picker views, or need to implement business logic, a UIPickerViewModel can provide a cleaner and more maintainable architecture.

Are there any performance implications when using UIPickerViewModel?

In general, using a UIPickerViewModel won’t have a significant impact on performance. However, if you’re dealing with a massive data set, it’s essential to implement caching, lazy loading, or other optimization techniques to avoid performance issues. A well-implemented view model can actually improve performance by reducing the load on your UI and minimizing unnecessary data updates.

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